Case Studies

How Hookdeck Went To Market With Usage-Based Pricing With Octane

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Co-founder Alexandre Bouchard shares their transformative journey with Octane. Hookdeck's innovative solution focuses on handling webhook ingestion and error management to ensure seamless integration experiences for their clients. This case study delves into the challenges Hookdeck faced and how Octane provided the solutions needed to thrive in a dynamic landscape.


Before adopting Octane, Hookdeck did not use usage-based pricing and were seeing lost revenue opportunity from their customers that were actively using the platform.

Alexandre Bouchard, co-founder of Hookdeck, explained, "We were generous with our event bundles, which meant almost nobody ended up exceeding them. Occasionally, someone would overage, but we didn't charge them. The juice wasn't worth the squeeze."

As Hookdeck evolved, they realized the need for a more granular and flexible billing system. They wanted to transition to metered billing, making it easier to charge users based on their actual webhook usage. However, they faced a dilemma – whether to build this system from scratch on top of Stripe or explore a more suitable solution.


The turning point in Hookdeck's journey came when they discovered Octane, a SaaS platform specializing in billing automation and pricing flexibility. Octane offered the perfect solution to Hookdeck's billing challenges.

Alexandre recalls, "We started looking into Octane as it promised to simplify billing automation. Our first version on Octane had a single meter for events, but later, we split it into two meters, which we might revisit. Now, we have three meters in Octane, with some legacy plans using different meters."

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The results were striking. Alexandre noted, "During the switch to Octane, we witnessed some of our top-growing months ever".

Use Cases

Hookdeck's adoption of Octane brought forth numerous use cases and benefits:

  1. Monetization Benefits: The switch to usage-based pricing, with Octane's support, allowed Hookdeck to mitigate revenue leakage from customers that are getting a lot of value from Hookdeck but not paying for what they use.
  2. Iterative Pricing: Octane empowered Hookdeck to iterate on pricing strategies rapidly. With shorter implementation timelines – approximately a week for each pricing change – they could experiment with different pricing structures and find the sweet spot for their audience.
  3. Simplified Technical Architecture: Octane streamlined Hookdeck's technical architecture. It simplified the process of defining and implementing new pricing plans, making it faster and more efficient than building everything from scratch.
  4. Dynamic Billing UI: Hookdeck utilized Octane's SDK to build a dynamic billing UI that automatically updated based on Octane's response. This approach ensured that any changes to pricing plans or meters seamlessly reflected in their user interface.
  5. Future Expansion: Hookdeck is planning to enforce the 100,000 event limit and explore additional features offered by Octane, such as webhook-based limit enforcement, to enhance their billing and usage control further.


Hookdeck's partnership with Octane transformed their billing and pricing strategies, resulting in more agile, revenue-focused operations. The transition from bundled plans to metered billing not only simplified their pricing structure but also boosted growth. Octane's billing automation, flexibility, and responsive support team have become integral to Hookdeck's success.

As Hookdeck continues to evolve and expand its services, their collaboration with Octane promises to be a cornerstone of their journey towards delivering top-notch webhook infrastructure solutions to businesses worldwide.

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